Hudson Lab
My lab works at the intersection of stress physiology, behavior, and ecology. We mostly use marine and aquatic animals as model systems to study stressors like salinity, sound, temperature, and competition, and to determine anthropogenic effects on ecological communities in order to enhance restoration and conservation outcomes. This has led us to work on projects that determine" invasive species' effects, species' range extensions with climate change in both marine systems and montane streams, how to improve coral restoration and marsh restoration, and the effects of anthropogenic noise on competitive ability. We currently work in the United States, the Caribbean, and South America with a great bunch of collaborators. See more below!

David M. Hudson, Ph.D.
Email: dmhudson {at} remoteecologist.org
Research Scientist and Founder (President & CEO), Remote Ecologist
Assistant Research Scientist, University of Connecticut (gratis appointment)
Fellow National, The Explorers Club
Associate Editor, BioInvasions Records
Member, IUCN Freshwater Crustacean Species Survival Commission
Steering Committee Member, AZA Sea Turtle SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) Program

Staff Scientist
Coming Soon! Fingers crossed on grants!

I am actively looking for additional volunteers for field and lab projects. Contact me!
Projects and Publications

Invasive Species
I work on a number of questions, both in determining the natural history and physiology of invasive species and how they will interact with the invaded community, and in determining the current spread of organisms.
Connecticut College
East Norwalk Blue
The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk
Relevant Publications:
- Introduction of Dungeness crabs and Mitten crabs to Long Island Sound
- Physiological response of invasive crabs to salinity
- Community shelter use in invasive crabs in Long Island Sound
- Management implications of the light bulb tunicate Clavelina lapadiformis
- First record of the light bulb tunicate Clavelina lepadiformis

Marsh Restoration Effectiveness
I am collaborating to assess the effectiveness of marsh restorations on the biodiversity of natural and restored marshes. It is expected that this work will result in recommendations for protection of marshes in the northeastern U.S.
Harbor Watch
Northeastern University
The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk

Range Migration in Andean Freshwater Crabs
Our team has been studying the physiological and behavioral performance of freshwater crabs in Colombia, resulting in several spatial models that will help determine the likely areas needed to protect aquatic species that are migrating up in altitude due to climate change.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad de Antioquia
Relevant Publications:
- Chapter: Climate change risks for Andean freshwater crabs
- Metabolic response of Andean freshwater crabs to increased temperatures
- Lung fluke parasites in Andean freshwater crabs
- Behavioral response to temperature change in Andean freshwater crabs

Improving Coral Restoration
Coral conservation projects ar underway in Colombia and the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Our aims are to answer early life stage questions around improving survivorship during sexual propagations methods, in order to improve the return on efforts invested to restore corals in these locations and more broadly.
Connecticut College
The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk
Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia
Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Aquario del Rodadero
Universidad del Magdalena
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
...and many more soon! We just aim to be "glue" here
Relevant Publications:
- First record of Acropora spawn in Islas del Rosario, Colombia

Lost and Derelict Fishing Gear
Fisheries pressure remains strong worldwide, with lost and derelict fishing gear becoming a greater problem for fisheries managers and those concerned with cleaning up our oceans. Lost gear can present a navigational hazard, and often captures animals without being brought to market, a phenomenon known as “ghost fishing.”
I am working on assessing the effects of this ghost gear on populations, analyzing the effects of the removal of lost and abandoned fishing and aquaculture gear, and working to help create the Long Island Sound Marine Debris Action Plan.
The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County
LISoundkeeper (Save the Sound)
Project Oceanology
NOAA Marine Debris
CT Sea Grant

Stress in Marine Animals
We are aiming to determine the performance of animals after stress due to anthropogenic (e.g. sound stress, biomedical bleeding) and physical factors (e.g. salinity and temperature). This is a broad area of collaboration.
University of Rhode Island
McLaughlin Research Corporation
Quinnipiac University
The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk
Connecticut College
Indian River Shellfish
Relevant Publications:
- Impacts of noise exposure on commercially important crustaceans

Sea Turtle Conservation
I work with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Sea Turtle SAFE Program to help conserve sea turtles. Help out by clicking HERE and buying coffee to support the SWOT grants through The Oceanic Society.
I am also working to advance the feeds used to feed rescued animals in developing nations, notably in the aquaculture of jellyfish.

More Soon!
As if this were not all enough, there is more soon!

More Soon!
As if this were not all enough, there is more soon!